Trump doctor reveals health report: ‘Cognitive exams were exceptional’

Donald Trump released a one-page document from the physician he’s used since leaving office Monday — in which a glowing review of the former president’s health and wellness is given.

The man who prides himself on eating fast food has reportedly lost weight since not working in the White House, New Jersey doctor Bruce Aronwald wrote in the letter.

He also revealed that he gave Trump a cognitive exam in which the former president was found to be “exceptional.” It didn’t give any details about the questions asked, or if it was similar to the one Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) performed while Trump was in office.

Trump said in September that he would be “all for the test” to chart his cognition. Trump had a cognitive exam in 2020, while Joe Biden’s physical included a neurological exam, but not a test for dementia.
“I read pretty carefully through the doctor’s report, and they mention neurological exam, but that was more in terms of testing motor strength and sensation and things like that,” Dr. Sanjay Gupta told CNN in 2021 about Biden’s doctor’s report.

Known as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment or The MoC test, the 2020 exam that was given to Trump resulted in his bragging about his mental abilities.

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